The Backyard Astronomer's Gary Boyle


There were lot of exciting space-related
news articles in 2021, including two lunar eclipses that occurred in may and November.
Gary Boyle

Gary Boyle, aka The Backyard Astronomer images:submitted.

Dec 7 will bring the "Mars Show" to the kootenay skines.

Most of the united states and all of Canada will witness this breathtaking sight.

By the Backyard astronomer's gary boyle.

It was thought that Mars was the water world like earth about the billion years ago.

It had vast oceans and was probably in the process of creating life of some sort.

Hydrogen , the most prevalent element in the universe, and Oxygen, the third most 
prevalent element, combine to from water.

Water plays a curucial role in the growth and maintenance of life as we know it.

Mars is half the size of the earth, therefore once its interior core ceased revolving, the planet lost heat quickly.

Mars' core stopped producing its protective magnetic field, similar to how the earth's core creates a magnetic field around our planet, allowing the solar winds to eat away at its atmosphere and cause the red planet to lose its water.

There have been reports of "canali," or channels, on Mars ever since the early telescopic views were made by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877 when Mars was in opposition and was about 56 million kilometres away.

The presence of these features suggested a potential civilization.

Since then, the red planet had been the focus of efforts to find evidence of prehistoric life, as well as the inspirational message for numerous science  fiction books and films.

Humans are anticipated to are arrive on this interesting  globe by the 2030s or 2040s, searching for any signs past of life, even at the microbiology level.

Life is life after all .

But now at mars is aprominent star in the night sky, It making headlines for different reasons.

Mars is ideally positioned among the bright winter constellations of orion the hunter, taurus the bull, etc.., rising in the northeastern sky around 45 minutes after the sun set in the west.

Any smartphone astronomy app will direct you if you're still unsure where to look.

Why is it so brilliant then?
While mars circles the sun in 365 days, earth does not.

So 687 days hence. Every 26 month's earth catches up with and surpasses slower mars, just like the inner lap on a racetrack.

The next opposition will take place on December 8 at a distance a just 82 million kilometers.

After opposition, as we become further away, Mars will gradually lose its brightness. 

Every seventh matchup is extremely tight, like in 2003 and 2020.

The next contest takes place on January 15, 2025.

On December 7, In The night before, take sure to stare at mars because the full cold Moon will briefly obscure it.

Expert for alaska and the southeastern states, the entirety of Canada and most of the US will be able to witness this breathtaking sight. 

The Moon shifts its width by one degree every hour during its 29.5-day orbit of the earth.

It covers stars as seen via a telescope over the whole of the month and, on rare occasions, brilliant planets.

The absence and subsequent reappearance should make for a terrific photo opportunity.

A clear sky.

Gary Boyle, often known as "The Backyard Astronomer," teaches astronomy, speaks as a guest, writes a monthly column for the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, and promotes STEM education. He has been featured in interviews on more than 55 Canadian radio stations, as well as on both Canadian and American television. The International Astronomical Union named the asteroid (22406) Garyboyle in his honour for his work in astronomical outreach.

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